Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Women’s Ministry, Tubaga Movement picket cybersex trial

“If we hadn’t been constantly drawing attention to this cybersex scandal, they probably would have dropped the case a long time ago,” said Lalae Garcia, coordinator of the Tubaga Movement, a local feminist group with ties to the Archdiocesan Women’s Ministry.

Sr. Erline Bacol, RGS represented the aforementioned ministry during Tubaga’s picketing outside Regional Trial Court 41 on the morning of July 28, 2010, where two Swedes were being tried  for coercing 18 girls into performing sexual acts over the Internet.

The girls, aged 19-25, were lured to Cagayan de Oro from all over the Philippines with promises of employment abroad. Instead they were locked up and forced to strip before webcams for paying customers until the police raided the premises in April 2009.

Currently detained in Lumbia Prison, the Swedes and their Filipino cohorts are expected to face another hearing at a date yet to be announced, sometime this year.

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