Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ad Intra, Ad Extra ministries gather for reflective assessment

Heads and representatives of the Ad Intra and Ad Extra ministries and programs met last July 6, 2010 at the Patrick Cronin Formation Hall and  shared their  reflections on the achievements, difficulties and proposals  in accordance with the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan.

Abp. Ledesma gave an overview of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan, which called for the creation of the Ad Intra and Ad Extra Commissions  and noted that the accomplishments, difficulties, and resolutions presented by the ministries will be included in his Quinquennial Report to be delivered in Rome before Pope Benedict XVI early next year.

It was noted that volunteerism is a strength and a good number of individuals expressed their desire to become active in their faith, but they  cannot devote themselves fully due to other personal concerns. Others  remained indifferent. Some pointed out  that coordination is poor among ministries, parishes, and lay organizations.

Both Ad Intra and Ad Extra ministries agreed that there must be improved communications between ministries and parishes. They also resolved to  form volunteers both in faith and in practical knowledge.

The day-long assessment ended with the announcement of Fr. Perseus Cabunoc’s appointment as Ad Intra Director, who looked  forward to improving his own ministry by assuming the post.

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